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A Convacation or Con-vacation was a term coined in the 1950s to describe fans taking annual vacations together.

The Fancyclopedia 2 entry credits the idea to Nigel Lindsay. Eric Bentcliffe floated the idea in Platform #1 (September 1954), saying that he didn't know who first suggested 'that instead of a organized weekend convention, fans should foregather at the same resort for their annual vacation'. More specifically:

The proposal that next year (1955) as many fans as possible shall take their annual vacation at tho same time, staying in the same hotel at the same resort, holiday camp, or whathaveyou.

Some fans were in favour, others less so. Harry Turner said, 'As for this idea of living with fellow fen for a period of seven to fourteen days at a stretch, that doesn't sounds like a holiday to me!' More adventurous suggested locations included Ireland and Jersey.

In Andromeda #5 (October 1954) a letter from Terry Jeeves said:

Latest suggestion in the con-vacation scheme is a general exodus to Torquay[1] of all fen who can afford it. Personally, I prefer the original plan of a week at Butlins[2], but if fen catch onto this Torquay trip, I'll have to do my best to tag along. Can't miss these fan gatherings; there's too much fun.

The Fancyclopedia 2 entry below says that the proposed event did happen albeit with three attendees: Nigel Lindsay, Bentcliffe and one other. Lindsay produced a fanzine, Con-vacation July 1955, which is presumably his account.

From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959
Invented by Eric Bentcliffe and Nigel Lindsay. Nigel had suggested that fans combine a vacation with a con (he had been unable to attend any conventions on account of work schedules). Urk and one or two other Mid-West [of England[3]] fans took up the idea and three of them actually met at Torquay for the affair.


  1. A seaside town in Devon in south-western England Where Lindsay lived.
  2. A chain of UK holiday camps.
  3. Although the term is misleading and something a person from the UK would be unlikely to use. Bentcliffe was from Stockport, part of the area a British person would call the 'North West'. Nigel Lindsay lived in Torquay in the south west of England, an area a British person might call 'the West Country'.

This is a fanspeak page. Please extend it by adding information about when and by whom it was coined, whether it’s still in use, etc.