Early Conventions

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The first ten years of SF conventions:

Date Convention Attendance Notes
1936 October 22, 1936 First Convention 10-20 Philadelphia later called the First Eastern
1937 January 3, 1937 Other First Convention ~20 Leeds, UK
February 21, 1937 Second Eastern 30-40 New York
October 30, 1937 Third Eastern Science Fiction Convention Philadelphia
1938 April 10, 1938 Second British Convention (aka Necronomicon)
May 29, 1938 Newark Convention >100 aka Fourth Eastern aka First National
October 17, 1938 Philadelphia Conference > 2 dozen
1939 1939 Third British Convention London
July 4, 1939 NyCon I 150-200 the first Worldcon
Fall 1939 Philcon 1939
1939 OSA Pow-Wow Oklahoma state convention
1940 April 1940 Third Chicago Conference 4
Sept 1-2, 1940 Chicon 128
November 10, 1940 Phillycon 1940
1941 late Feb 1941 Boskone I ~25
July 4-6, 1941 Denvention ~100
September 20-21, 1941 Bombcon 13
November 16, 1941 1941 Michiconference
1942 Feb 22, 1942 Boskone II 25
September 27, 1942 1942 Michiconference ~25
November 29, 1942 Hastings S-F Conference v. small possibly a drinking party
1942 Pacificon Jr.
1943 Feb 28, 1943 Boskone III 14
Spring 1943 Midgicon in Chicago 10?
Spring 1943 Live Oak Conference 3
Easter 1943 Midvention
May 16, 1943 The first Staplecon in San Francisco ~12
Summer 1943 MeCon in Rockland, ME 3
mid 1943 Mainecon Jr somewhere in Maine 2
mid 1943 Schenectacon 2-4
October 30, 1943 1943 Michiconference 22
November 21, 1943 The second Staplecon San Francisco
"around the end" 1943 Fancon
1944 Easter 1944 Eastercon
May 28, 1944 The last Staplecon 9 San Francisco
June 17-19, 1944 Michicon 4 23
August 27, 1944 Dovercon }
October 7-9, 1944 Little Chicon "small"
1945 February 3-4, 1945 Boskone IV 5
July 7-8, 1945 1945 Michiconference 15-20
September 2, 1945 Boskone V 9 AKA First New England SF Conference
1946 March 3, 1946 FPWESFC
April 6-7, 1946 First Post-Radar-Contact-with-the-Moon Con 16 Chicago
August 30-September 1, 1946 Pacificon I 130
October 27, 1946 Phillycon 1946
November 9-10, 1946 Centracon 25 Chicago, IL

See the Fancyclopedia 2 article on Conventions.

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