2024 Westercon Site Selection

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Site selection for the 2024 Westercon was held by Westercon 74, the 2022 Westercon in Tonopah, NV. Until late June 2022, there were no bidders until Utah in 2024 announced a write-in bid for Westercon 76 to be held in Salt Lake City, UT. Because no bids had filed as of the filing deadline, the ballot for Westercon 76 was blank and all votes were write-ins.

Utah in 2024 received 55 or 60 ballots cast and will run Westercon 76.

2023 Westercon Site Selection 2025 2024
This is page about convention bidding, the competition and its outcome. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, and how the race went.