
From Fancyclopedia 3
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From Fancyclopedia 2, ca. 1959
Communism with a small c designates a society which gets production from each according to his abilities and gives products to each according to his needs. It is more or less anarchistic and idealistic in that it hopes coercion by the state will be unnecessary.

Communism with a large C, which is what fans usually mean, is Marxism as modified by Lenin, Stalin, and certain of their lieutenants; or, even more simply, outland organizations of the CPSU (B).

From Fancyclopedia 1, ca. 1944
Communism with a small c designates a society which gets production from each according to his abilities and gives products to each according to his needs. It is more or less anarchistic in that it hopes that coertion by the state will be unnecessary.

Communism with a large C, which is what fans usually mean, is Marxism as modified by Lenin and Stalin, plus the tactics of Earl Browder and Harry Bridges.

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