2005 Worldcon Site Selection

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Site Selection for the 2005 Worldcon was conducted by ConJosé, the 2002 Worldcon. The only bidder was Glasgow in 2005 which won and went on to run Interaction. (For a time there was a Sydney in 2005 bid which did not file.)

Glasgow in 2005 won with an absolute majority on the first ballot. The lack of competition resulted in an unusual number of (occasionally) amusing write-ins. Detailed results:

Bidder Mail in Thurs Fri Sat -Total
Glasgow in 2005 152 211 266 288 917
No Preference 7 2 16 28 53
Invalid 4 4
None of the Above 1 4 5 8 18
Minneapolis in '73 1 1 3 3 8
I5 in 05 2 3 5
Rottnest Island 1 1 2
Winterfell 2 2
Seattle in '05 2 2
Spuzzum, BC 1 1 2
New Glasgow, NS 2 2
Monkey's Eybrow, KY 1 1
Monkey's Eyebrow, KY 1 1
Honolulu, HI 1 1
Sunnydale, CA 1 1
Both 1 1
M5 in 05 1 1
No Dams 1 1
Amber 1 1
Altair 6 1 1
Little Cayman 1 1
Vorbarr Sultana 1 1
Sacramento 1 1
Antartica 1 1
Area 51 1 1
Komono 1 1
Discworld Ankh-Morpork, Seamstresses Guild 1 1
Lothlorien 1 1
Blank 1 1
Takoma Park, MD 1 1
Total 167 230 298 339 1034
Total with Preference 160 228 282 311 981

2004 Worldcon Site Selection 2006 2005
This is page about convention bidding, the competition and its outcome. Please extend it by adding information about who was bidding, and how the race went.