Jonathan Cowie
(???? – )
Jonathan Cowie, a British fan, co-founded Hatfield college's SF club, PSIFA, in 1978; was on the committee of the BECCON series of London regional SF conventions (1981-87); has assisted with most international UK-venued SF conventions of the 1980s and ’90s by providing science contacts and press liaison services. (He ran the British Eastercon's first dedicated science program track in 1990.)
He founded The Science Fact & Fiction Concatenation and was a member of the City Illiterates. He regularly gave exotic science talks at UK conventions from the late 1970s to early 1990s and thereafter at many Eurocons. He also helped to co-ordinate the Anglo-Romanian Science & SF Cultural Exchange and fan fund (1995 to 2003), as well as co-authoring with Tony Chester Essential SF: A Concise Guide (2005).
SF2 Concatenation has won European SF Awards in: 1994 (Best Fanzine); 1997 (Best Promoter European SF); 2004 (Honorary); and 2012 (Best website). In 2006 ESFS gave Essential Science Fiction: A Concise Guide which he co-authored a commendation.
Professionally he's an environmental scientist turned science communicator.
- BECCON '87: The Other Press Report
- BECCON: The Fanzine
- The 1984 Eurocon Press Report
- The Science Fact & Fiction Concatenation [1987-97] (Online: 1999-present)
Awards, Honors and GoHships:
- 1984 -- Picocon 2
- 1994 -- Eurocon 1994
- 2001 -- Atlantykron

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