Hymn to Satan

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A one-sheet, hectographed fanzine published in 1941 by Tigrina. It contained music and lyrics for a Black Mass that LASFS members (including Tigrina and Arthur Louis Joquel II) possibly hoped to perform.

Cover art by Geo. Wyman (Forry Ackerman's by then deceased grandfather, so probably supplied by 4E).

Based on various quips and commentary in several issues of VOM and other zines, no one took this bit of occultism very seriously. Alojo reported that he was working on a transcription for full orchestra, and Elmer Perdue said he’d work it over boogie-woogie style. Samuel D. Russell, meanwhile, complained in VOM 25 (October 1942, p. 3),

It is fairly obvious that Tigrina knows little about Satanism and professes to embrace devil-worship merely as a psychological compensation for a disagreeable religious upbringing, al­though her attitude arouses an irrational sympathetic interest in one who is inter­ested in demonology, as I am.

Some have argued that Hymn is the first filk fanzine, but this seems like quite a stretch.

Publication 1941
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