Gertrude M. Carr

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(April 18, 1907 – March 6, 2005)

From Cry of the Nameless 111, January 1958.

Known as G. M. Carr or GMC or sometimes Gertie Carr, she was a Seattle fan, who had been a charter member of The Nameless Ones. She discovered fandom in 1949, and attended Norwescon in 1950. She was a member of the First Fandom club and and the [[N3F]. She was a candidate for TAFF in 1956.

She seems to have been a somewhat controversial and difficult person. She quarreled with Walt Willis in FAPA. Walter Breen named her one of the Three Big Bitches of Fandom, but consider the source.

In 1961, she wrote:

I'm currently undergoing a siege of gafia which may or may not turn out to be the beginning of the end of my interest in fandom. It's hard to tell at this point, because fans usually gafiate from time to time (like bears going into hibernation) and it is impossible to tell in advance if or when they'll come out of it.

She remained largely gafiated from fandom, but in the 1960s and ’70s became deeply involved with Star Trek fandom.

Her papers are housed at the University of Iowa

Fanzines and Apazines:

Her APA activity continued until she was in her late 90s. Other apas of which she was a member included WAPA, BSFA, TLMA, and N'APA.

Person 19072005
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