Conversion rules

From Fancyclopedia 3
Revision as of 16:20, 22 December 2018 by John (talk | contribs)
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Conversion rules for the script converting wikdot pages to mediawiki ones

All history forgotten

All new entries have the name from the page title, not its filename

Any page tagged with 'Admin' should be put on a blacklist and not converted

Tags should be converted to lines appended to the end of a page

&lbrak;[[[John Bray]]&rbrak;

Change [[[[link]]] to &lbrak;[[[page]]&rbrak;

Change [[[link]]] and [[[[link]]]] to [[page]], as we don't want those extra [
  "\[(\[\[[A-Za-z0-9\- ,'\.\|]*\]\])\]" "\1"

Change italics // to ''
 "//" "''"

Change bold ** to '''

change bullet # at the start of a line to *, otherwise leave alone

change [[include file]] to \{\{file\}\}
 "\[\[include ([A-Za-z0-9\- ,']*)\]\]" "{{\1}}"

Next 3 changes must be applied in order
Change conseries lines of the form [[[Boskone 1]]]<<<<@@  @@>>>>[[[Boskone 3]]] to {{Template:ConSeries|before=[[Boskone 1]]|after=[[Boskone 3]]}}
  "\[\[\[([A-Za-z0-9\- ,']*)\]\]\]<<<<@@  @@>>>>\[\[\[([A-Za-z0-9\- ,']*)\]\]\]" "{{Template:ConSeries|before=\1|after=\2}}"

Change [[[Boskone 2]]]<<<<@@  @@ to {{Template:ConSeries|before=[[Boskone 2]]}}
 "\[\[\[([A-Za-z0-9\- ,']*)\]\]\]<<<<@@  @@" "{{Template:ConSeries|before=\1}}"

Change @@  @@>>>>[[[Boskone 2]]] to {{Template:ConSeries|after=[[Boskone 2]]}}
 "@@  @@>>>>\[\[\[([A-Za-z0-9\- ,']*)\]\]\]" "{{Template:ConSeries|after=\1}}"

Change tables with header row
 <tab class=wikitable>
 Name | Date | GoH
 Con | October 25-27, 1980 | John Bray

Change Fancyclopedia 1 boxes to
 {{Fancyclopedia 1 | text=

 "\|\| from \[\[\[Fancyclopedia 1\]\]\]   ca\. 1944 \|\|\n\|\|([ A-Za-z0-9\- ,'\.\|\[\]]*)\|\|" "{{Template:Fancyclopedia 1|text=\1\n}}"

Change Fancyclopedia 2 boxes to
 {{Fancyclopedia 2 | text=

 "\|\| from \[\[\[Fancyclopedia 2\]\]\]   ca\. 1959 \|\|\n\|\|([ A-Za-z0-9\- ,'\.\|\[\]]*)\|\|" "{{Template:Fancyclopedia 2|text=\1\n}}"

Change [[include recognition]] to {{recognition}}

Change [[include fanbar|website=X]] to {{fan|website=X}}

Change [[include probar|website=X]] to {{pro|website=X}}

Change [[include genbar|website=X]] to {{general|website=X}}

Change [[include genbar|website=X|name=Y]] to {{general|website=X|name=Y}}

Change [[include smallpressbar|website=X|name=Y]] to {{publisher|website=X|name=Y}}

Change [[include awardbar|website=X|name=Y]] to {{award|website=X|name=Y}}

Change [[include linkbar first=A | second=B | name=Y| website=X]] to {{general|website=X|name=Y}} # forget the A and B

Change [[include conbar|website=X|name=Y]] to {{convention|name=Y|website=X}}

Change [[include prozinebar|website=X|name=Y]] to {{prozinebar|name=Y|website=X}}

Change [[include bookbar|website=X|name=Y]] to {{prozinebar|name=Y|website=X}}

Change [[include prizes url=X|text=T]] to {{prizes|website=X|text=T}}

Change [[include fanzinebar website=X|name=Y]] to {{fanzine|website=X|name=T}}

Change [[include websiteref url=X|text=T]] to {{websiteref|website=X|text=T}}

Change [[include stub-bio]] to {{stub-bio}} and for stub-convention, stub-club, stub-fanzine, stub-apazine, stub. stub-bid

Change [[include listof]] and [[include listgen]] to {{fixme}}

Leave <winner> alone and other things that are html tag like

~ ~ ~ ~